Saturday, March 23, 2019

How to open your root chakra

How to open your root chakra

The root chakra or Muladhara is home to your primal energy. Located at the base of the spine, it is associated with your most basic survival needs.
The first chakra governs the bladder, kidneys, lower extremities, and spine. When there is an imbalance, you can experience physical symptoms that include:
  • constipation
  • weight issues
  • fatigue
  • back pain
Emotionally speaking, when the first chakra is in need of healing, you may find you’re short-tempered and unusually aggressive. Other signs you need to open up the root chakra are:
  • insecurity
  • poor decision making
  • anxiety
  • detachment
Symbolized by the color red, the root chakra fosters confidence and security when it is opened and balanced. However, when it is in need of healing, there are several simple exercises and steps you can take to restore balance.


When you’re feeling less than grounded stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and relax your upper body. Let your arms rest comfortably at your sides and allow your hips to rest slightly forward. Breathe deeply and with each exhale feel your connection to the earth deepen.

Rinse Off

Simply taking a shower can help cleanse and balance the root chakra. Be aware of your physical body as you bathe, Mindful awareness is a tremendous tool for healing the first chakra.

Get Moving

Everyday physical movement, from running to completing chores around the house, is a great way to heal your root chakra. The key is to be aware of your body and feel the sensation of movement. Awareness is crucial to healing.

Mindful Walking

Whether you are walking out in nature or down a crowded city street, be aware of every step you take. Concentrate on your breath and every footfall. With every step take note of the sensation you feel each time your foot touches the ground. Mindfulness of something as mundane as walking can activate the root chakra and ground you to the earth.

Visualize Red

Wearing the color red or incorporating it into the decor of your home environment or workspace is a gentle reminder to be aware of the primal, core energy of your root chakra. You can even take this one step further by visualizing, or meditating on, the color red. For instance, take a few seconds or even a few minutes to visualize a radiant, red ball of energy at the base of your spine. See it brighten and radiate downward as it illuminates your lower extremities and grounds you.

Strike a Pose

Dancing is a great way to open up your root chakra. Whether you dance in public or behind closed doors, the key is to let the rhythm guide you. Allowing the body to be free to move uninhibited will dispel negativity, open and balance the first chakra.

Stretch and Don’t Forget to Breathe

Adopting a regular yoga routine is another great tool to open up, heal, and balance the root chakra. Introducing simple forward bends and standing positions can help stretch your legs, back and spine giving you a strong foundation. To ground yourself and activate your root chakra, try these poses to foster balance and focus:
  • Tree (Vrksasana)
  • Eagle (Garudasana)
  • Mountain (Tadasana)
  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  • Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
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