Solar Plexus Healing
In Hindu tradition, the seven chakras govern energy flow through the body. A blockage or an unbalanced chakra can cause both physical and mental symptoms, including chronic illness or psychological disturbances. The solar plexus chakra is one of the most commonly blocked chakras and can be the root of a number of common complaints.
Why Healing Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances?
The solar plexus chakra, known in Sanskrit as Manipura, is the third chakra and is located in the area above the navel and solar plexus. It is the chakra primarily associated with self-esteem, confidence and willpower.
A balanced Manipura chakra allows you to have control over your thoughts and emotional responses, set healthy boundaries, and be at peace with yourself. Its physical association is with digestive function.
Symptoms of the Solar Plexus Imbalance
Chakra imbalances occur as either an excess of energy or an energy deficiency. Symptoms associated with excessive energy in the solar plexus chakra include:
- Controlling, intolerant, or excessively competitive behavior
- Overeating and overindulgence
- Fatigue or excessive laziness
Symptoms of energy defiency include:
- Insecurity, anxiety and fear
- Low body weight and poor appetite
- Lack of confidence and poor self-image
- Inability to focus and lack of organization
Stomach ulcers, indigestion, diabetes, eating disorders and other illnesses tied to the digestive system can also be symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra.
How To Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Healing the solar plexus chakra is a simple process, but it may take some practice. Most people have built up a blockage over many years, so chakra balancing will take time. There are some solar plexus chakra healing exercises that are easy to practice every day.
The chakra color associated with Manipura is yellow, which means that bananas, sunflower seeds, yellow peppers and cheeses are good solar plexus chakra healing food. Spices for the solar plexus chakra are ginger, chamomile, mint, and cumin.
Meditation can help with opening Manipura. A simple exercise is to simply envision a brilliant yellow sunflower over your solar plexus chakra. This can be even more effective with the use of chakra stones. Solar plexus chakra healing stones include yellow stones like citrine, amber, yellow tourmaline and tiger’s eye.
Aromatherapy can also be helpful for Manipura chakra healing. It can be used while meditating or doing yoga, or by itself at any time. Citrusy essential oils like orange and grapefruit are good for healing the solar plexus chakra, as are chamomile, mint and ginger.
Regular yoga practice is ideal for chakra balancing. Asanas that focus on core strength are perfect for Manipura healing. Warrior Pose is the easiest yoga asana for opening Manipura. Holding it for a few minutes every morning will begin to open your solar plexus. Other helpful asanas are Boat Pose (Navasana), which strengthens the core, and Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar). Engaging in structured risk-taking during your yoga practice, like doing a challenging pose or gently pushing yourself a bit more, can also help balance Manipura.
Finally, since the solar plexus chakra is associated with the sun and fire, simply getting outside can help. Meditating or doing yoga outdoors on sunny days will maximize your healing practice, but simply going outside for a walk or doing a little sunbathing will help open your solar plexus chakra.
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