Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Sacral Chakra Blockage

Sacral Chakra Blockage

A blocked sacral chakra can make you feel like you’ve lost control of your life and unable to retake hold of the reins. Sacral chakra energy is directly related to, and is nurtured by, that of the root chakra. Considered feminine in quality, sacral chakra energy — located in the lower abdomen — is what gives you the ability to be open with and nurture yourself and others.

When your second chakra energy is blocked

As it governs your ability to relate to other people and the world around you, the sacral chakra also helps keep your emotions and ability to cope with life on an even keel. When sacral energy flow is blocked, you can become unemotional and experience uncertainty, insecurity, and an inability to cope with life’s changes.
Feeling detached and rigid in your routine to the point you’re unable ride out life’s ups and downs is a sure sign the sacral chakra is blocked and in need of clearing and healing. A lack of self-esteem or self-worth stemming from a sacral chakra imbalance can also contribute to finding one’s self in unhealthy, and sometimes abusive, relationships.

Symptoms of Sacral Chakra Blockage

Physically speaking, when your sacral chakra is blocked you may experience a range of symptoms that are generally confined to the lower abdomen, back, and reproductive and digestive organs.
Among the most common physical symptoms:
  • constipation
  • back pain
  • urinary and kidney infections
  • gynecological cysts
  • abnormal menstruation
  • infertility
  • impotence
Sacral chakra imbalance frequently manifests as emotional and psychological difficulties, including:
  • depression
  • low self-esteem
  • insecurity
  • detachment
  • jealousy
  • fear

Considering the sacral chakra directly influences sexuality, it is not unheard of for a decline in sexual interest and performance to become an issue. Sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation, an inability to achieve orgasm, and low or nonexistent libido, is a good indicator there is an imbalance of the sacral chakra.

Clearing Sacral Chakra Blockages

In addition to adopting healthy lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, incorporating some form of energy healing can be beneficial for restoring balance to the sacral chakra.
Introducing essential oils associated with the sacral chakra, such as Ylang-Ylang or Sandalwood, to your home or personal space can offer a boost to sacral chakra healing.
Regularly meditating on the sacral chakra and/or the color orange can also help clear negativity and restore balance to the energy center.
If you feel drawn to the use of crystals to restore balance, consider introducing orange carnelian, citrine, or amber jewelry to your wardrobe.
When the sacral chakra is balanced, you feel in harmony with life. You are able to express yourself creatively and to mature with each new experience life offers — both good and bad.
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