Sunday, May 5, 2019

Healing The Heart Chakra

Healing The Heart Chakra

Heart chakra healing might be needed when the heart center is closed and its energies are blocked or unbalanced. The heart chakra is like a conduit for a form of energy that is commonly associated with love. When the energy of the heart chakra does not flow, one may experience it at different levels, from physical and emotional to existential. By healing the heart chakra, one may experience a boost in energy, positivity, love, compassion, and increased sense of connectedness to life.

What does healing the heart chakra mean?

Healing the heart chakra may mean several things and refers to many different techniques. We will cover the main ones and remain as practical as possible. Heart chakra healing is sometimes also referred to as balancing, opening, or clearing. The main idea behind healing the heart chakra is to restore flow of energy and overall balance.

Why do we need heart chakra healing?

The heart chakra is particularly vulnerable to disturbances associated with relationships and love. We all have a history of relationships from the moment we’re born to now. During our history, there were many events and opportunities for positive or negative experiences regarding love and relating to others.
As we encounter life difficulties, we have two main ways to cope: We may shut down or decrease the energy that we dedicate to the situation, or we may boost or increase our energy to fight it. These defense mechanisms get anchored in our chakras.
In the case of the heart chakra, we might have felt hurt during childhood or a recent breakup and closed our chakra to numb our pain and avoid suffering. Or on the opposite side, we may have opened and extended our heart energy to a demanding partner or parent in need, sometimes to the point of over-extending and being drained.

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, colors our life with compassion, love, and beauty. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth energy center is said to bridge earthly and spiritual aspirations. Explore what makes the essence of this chakra and how to unravel its powerful energy to enrich your life.

Introducing the heart chakra or Anahata

Chakra key elements

First, we’re going to look at the heart chakra key attributes:
  • Location: In the center of the chest (the energy center is not located where our actual heart organ lies; rather, the heart chakra is in the center of the chest area); it is the 4th chakra counting from the bottom of the spine in the traditional 7 chakra system.
  • Color: Green (higher energy frequencies can turn to pink)
  • Symbol: Two intersecting triangles forming a 6-pointed star in a circle with 12 petals
  • Original name in Sanskrit: Anahata
  • Element: Air
Additional elements used in modern healing practices to balance the heart chakra are crystals or gemstones and aromatherapy. If you’re curious, here’s a list of the most common ones used to activate or balance the fourth chakra:
  • Heart chakra healing stonesPink quartz, clear quartz, jade, green calcite
  • Essential oils: Rose, geranium, neroli, ylang ylang, jasmine, bergamot
Other key elements associated with the heart chakra are:
  • Glands or bodily functions: Thymus gland, responsible for hormone production and important in the regulation of the immune system.

Heart Chakra Psychological Meanings

The main meanings or functions associated with the heart chakra are:
  • Love for oneself and others
  • Relating, relationships
  • Compassion, empathy
  • Forgiveness, acceptance
  • Transformation, change
  • Ability to grieve and reach peace
  • Compassionate discernment
  • Center of awareness, integration of insights
When the heart chakra is open, you may feel being deeply connected, the harmonious exchange of energy with all that is around you, and the appreciation of beauty. However, when there’s a blockage in the heart chakra, you may experience difficulties in your relating with others, such as excessive jealousy, codependency, or being closed down, withdrawn.

Heart Chakra Element: Air

The fourth chakra is related to the element of air. As such, its energy is associated to the breath and its movements, as well as the idea of spaciousness and connection with all things.

Heart Chakra Color: Green

Even though most of us think about the pink color when thinking about the heart, this chakra is traditionally associated with the color green. The auric color of an active fourth chakra can also be seen as a pink or smoky pink, hence our popular representation of love as a pink heart.

Chakra Location: The Chest

The most commonly accepted location for the fourth chakra is at the center of the chest, between the breasts. It’s slightly to the left of the actual organ of the heart. That’s why it’s often referred to as the “heart chakra”.
As the fourth energy center, it’s important to remember that it is multidimensional and is energetically represented with a front going through the center of the chest, and a back going through the spine between the shoulder blades.
Because of its location, the heart chakra is associated to the cardiac system and the lungs.  These organs are interdependent and rely on air and breathing to function properly. The gland associated with the heart chakra is the thymus, which is in charge of regulating the immune system.

Chakra Symbol

The symbol for the heart chakra is traditionally composed of:
  • A circle with twelve petals
  • An downward-pointing triangle interlaced with an upward-pointing triangle, forming a six-pointed star or hexagram
The intersecting triangles represent the air element and its all-encompassing quality. They also symbolize the union of seemingly opposite principles or types of energies, such as male and female, spirit and matter. The star that they form evokes the harmonious joining of forces and highlights the function of the heart chakra as a center of integration and connection. The twelve petals are often depicted with the color red.

What does Anahata mean?

The fourth chakra is referred to as:
  • Heart chakra
  • Anahata
  • Hritpankaja
  • Dbadasjadala
  • Chakra 4
The most common Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is “Anahata“, which means “unstruck.”

What role the fourth chakra plays in our lives

The Heart chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:
  • Capacity to love
  • Integration, bridge between earthly and spiritual aspirations
  • Transcending personal identity and limitations of the ego
  • Experience of unconditional love and connection with all
  • Heart-centered discernment
  • Appreciation of beauty in all things
  • Experiencing deep and meaningful relationships
The fourth chakra connects the lower and upper chakras. In other words, the heart chakra acts as a center of integration of earthly matters and higher aspirations. Far from seeing these energies as separate, the experience of the heart integrates them effortlessly and harmoniously.
The Heart chakra is all about connecting and relating. The emphasis here is on love, giving and receiving, and how open we are in relationships. Love is the energy that helps transfigure emotions and experiences. It’s an essential element in any relationship, whether it’s is with others or oneself.
Love experienced through the fourth chakra is not just about romance, but about going beyond the limitations of the ego and personal preoccupations to open up more fully to compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is. When we live from our heart and our heart energy is opened and balanced, we can see clearly and position ourselves in any situation, no matter how challenging it is, with discernment and compassion.
The heart chakra is also a center through which we experience beauty in life. Seeing the world through a balanced fourth chakra is being in a state of openness and acceptance that brings us in touch with our world and ourselves in profound and fulfilling ways.

Signs your fourth chakra may be out of balance

The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a result of life experiences that have a strong emotional charge, physical ailments, or significant changes in your environment. It may manifest as a blockage in the energy flow or, on the contrary, a tendency to become overactive or have an excess of energy.
You can see the following signs of imbalance in the heart chakra :
  • Being overly defensive
  • Feeling closed down
  • Jealousy; fear of intimacy
  • Codependency, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost
  • Always putting oneself in the role of the savior or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into victimization
  • Excessive isolation, being recluse, antisocial
  • Holding grudges, not being able to forgive
At the physical level, it can manifest as:
  • Respiratory ailments, such as lung infection, bronchitis
  • Circulatory and heart-related issues
When the energy in your fourth chakra is blocked or hindered, you may experience what is sometimes referred to as heart chakra pain.

Simple ideas to balance the heart chakra

To get started, try out these few simple practices:
  • Work with the breath to balance your energy; observe it, play with it with breathing exercises
  • Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, whether it’s in nature, people or in the arts
  • Practice self-care and love your body up, from a good bath with rose essential oil to yoga poses opening the heart area
  • Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, especially with regards to your emotions and body
  • Engage in activities that feed your heart
  • Focus on receiving if you are naturally inclined to be a giver; and on giving if you’re more inclined to receive all the time
  • Reflect on old wounds inherited from family relationships and come to terms with them compassionately; practice forgiveness deep within your heart
  • Express your gratitude, even if it’s in silence; you can be grateful for the presence of other people in your life or simply for good things that make your life easier and happier

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, healing stones and crystals can help restore healthy energy flow and balance. Located just above the navel, the solar plexus, or third, chakra is associated with the color yellow and governs your will power, self-esteem and emotions.

Chakra Stones for the Solar Plexus

Here is a list of chakra stones commonly used to cleanse, activate, and balance the solar plexus chakra. Included is the name, color, type of stone, and crystal meaning/purpose of each:

  • Amber — Yellowish orange — Organic gemstone — Used to cleanse and balance. Increases mental clarity and promotes confidence.
  • Citrine — Pale yellow — Semi-precious — This “success stone” is used to cleanse and balance. Increases personal empowerment and confidence.
  • Lemon quartz — Yellow — A stone of optimism used to cleanse, activate and balance the third energy center.
  • Yellow Jasper — Yellow — Semi-precious — Known as a stone of protection, yellow jasper activates and balances the solar plexus chakra.
  • Yellow Tourmaline — Yellow — Semi-precious — A stone good for detoxifying the body, yellow tourmaline is used to cleanse, activate and balance.
  • Tiger’s Eye — Golden brown — Semi-precious — A protective stone, tiger’s eye is good for grounding, cleansing and balancing.

Using Chakra Healing Stones

Cleansed and charged healing stones are most effective when they’re in close proximity to the affected chakra. The most common approach is to wear them as jewelry or placed directly over the chakra in need of healing. To bolster the effects of healing stones, you may also place them around your home, personal space, or office.
Learning how to use healing stones and gems properly is key. All stones possess their own vibrational frequency. So it is important to understand the meanings and properties of gemstones before employing their help. Choose stones that have the same vibrational frequency as the chakra in need of cleansing and balancing.
As with any energy healing approach, remember, it can take a while for stones to heal chakra imbalance and for symptoms to completely subside.

An open, balanced energy center enables you to feel confident and empowered. When the solar plexus chakra, also known as the Manipura chakra. falls out of balance a variety of physical and non-physical signs may manifest. In addition to feeling emotionally unsteady, lethargic, and sometimes even aggressive, you may also experience:
  • respiratory issues
  • eating disorders
  • digestive problems
  • anxiety
  • hypoglycemia
  • depression
A healthy diet and regular exercise are needed to maintain chakra balance and keep energy flowing. But there can be times where a healthy lifestyle just isn’t enough.
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How To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

How To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, also called Manipura, is center of strength and balance, both physical and emotional. When this chakra is open and the energy flows unhindered, it is responsible for a balanced self-esteem, willpower, and a strong sense of self. Opening the solar plexus chakra can take time and work, but there are some easy ways to get started and speed the process along.

Use Healing Stones To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The chakras are each tied to certain stones, and bringing those stones into your life can help heal them. Chakra healing stones can be worn as jewelry, held during meditation or carried in a pocket. Some people place them on their work desk or under their pillows at night.
The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow, and with yellow gemstones. These include:
  • citrine
  • amber
  • sunstone
  • yellow jasper
  • golden tiger eye
  • yellow jade
  • golden calcite
  • yellow topaz

Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra With Healing Foods

Certain foods can be used to heal the solar plexus chakra. Adding these to your diet or increasing the amount you eat can help activate your chakra. The following foods are associated with Manipura:
  • squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • pumpkins
  • lentils
  • yellow and orange peppers
  • lemons
  • corn
  • yellow pears
  • golden apples
  • brown rice
  • oats
  • spelt

Healing The Third Chakra with Daily Affirmations

Affirmations are a simple, useful tool that can open up your solar plexus chakra. These can be said at a certain time every day, or at various times throughout the day. Many people write them down and put them in noticeable places to remind themselves. Starting the day with affirmations can put you in the right frame of mind without having to spend a lot of time on meditation exercises.
Since the solar plexus chakra is closely tied with strength and a healthy sense of self, affirmations that focus on self-acceptance and boundaries are most useful. Some sample affirmations include:
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I respect and honor myself.
  • I can achieve anything I desire.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I deserve to be loved and respected by those around me.

How to Open the Solar Plexus Chakra with Essential Oils

Essential oils are an easy, subtle way to open your solar plexus chakra. They can be worn as perfume if diluted properly, or used in oil diffusers. A few drops in a hot bath can provide a relaxing location for meditation.
The essential oils associated with Manipura are generally warm and a bit spicy. They include:
  • chamomile
  • lemon
  • ginger
  • black pepper
  • cinnamon
  • clove

Simple Meditation Exercises for Healing The Third Chakra

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to activate your chakras. Short, simple meditation exercises can work well, especially for those who struggle with longer meditation. Since the goal is to have an opened and activated solar plexus chakra, try imagining a bright yellow flower opening above your navel. A glowing golden ball of light or a burning flame are also good meditations for opening Manipura. Imagine those for a few minutes at a time throughout the day while taking deep, calming breaths.
People with an unbalanced solar plexus chakra may be unable to set boundaries, be unable to accept criticism and fear rejection. Learn more about how to heal your third chakra.
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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Solar Plexus Healing

Solar Plexus Healing

In Hindu tradition, the seven chakras govern energy flow through the body. A blockage or an unbalanced chakra can cause both physical and mental symptoms, including chronic illness or psychological disturbances. The solar plexus chakra is one of the most commonly blocked chakras and can be the root of a number of common complaints.

Why Healing Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances?

The solar plexus chakra, known in Sanskrit as Manipura, is the third chakra and is located in the area  above the navel and solar plexus. It is the chakra primarily associated with self-esteem, confidence and willpower.
balanced Manipura chakra allows you to have control over your thoughts and emotional responses, set healthy boundaries, and be at peace with yourself. Its physical association is with digestive function.

Symptoms of the Solar Plexus Imbalance

Chakra imbalances occur as either an excess of energy or an energy deficiency. Symptoms associated with excessive energy in the solar plexus chakra include:
  • Controlling, intolerant, or excessively competitive behavior
  • Overeating and overindulgence
  • Fatigue or excessive laziness
Symptoms of energy defiency include:
  • Insecurity, anxiety and fear
  • Low body weight and poor appetite
  • Lack of confidence and poor self-image
  • Inability to focus and lack of organization
Stomach ulcers, indigestion, diabetes, eating disorders and other illnesses tied to the digestive system can also be symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra.

How To Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing the solar plexus chakra is a simple process, but it may take some practice. Most people have built up a blockage over many years, so chakra balancing will take time. There are some solar plexus chakra healing exercises that are easy to practice every day.
The chakra color associated with Manipura is yellow, which means that bananas, sunflower seeds, yellow peppers and cheeses are good solar plexus chakra healing food. Spices for the solar plexus chakra are ginger, chamomile, mint, and cumin.
Meditation can help with opening Manipura. A simple exercise is to simply envision a brilliant yellow sunflower over your solar plexus chakra. This can be even more effective with the use of chakra stones. Solar plexus chakra healing stones include yellow stones like citrine, amber, yellow tourmaline and tiger’s eye.
Aromatherapy can also be helpful for Manipura chakra healing. It can be used while meditating or doing yoga, or by itself at any time. Citrusy essential oils like orange and grapefruit are good for healing the solar plexus chakra, as are chamomile, mint and ginger.
Regular yoga practice is ideal for chakra balancing. Asanas that focus on core strength are perfect for Manipura healing. Warrior Pose is the easiest yoga asana for opening Manipura. Holding it for a few minutes every morning will begin to open your solar plexus. Other helpful asanas are Boat Pose (Navasana), which strengthens the core, and Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar). Engaging in structured risk-taking during your yoga practice, like doing a challenging pose or gently pushing yourself a bit more, can also help balance Manipura.
Finally, since the solar plexus chakra is associated with the sun and fire, simply getting outside can help. Meditating or doing yoga outdoors on sunny days will maximize your healing practice, but simply going outside for a walk or doing a little sunbathing will help open your solar plexus chakra.
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Solar Plexus Blockage

Solar Plexus Blockage

A blockage in the third chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra or Manipura, can be especially serious because it is where our sense of self originates. Chakra imbalances are difficult to avoid. When you face a difficult or traumatic situation, the coping skills you develop to get through it may cause disruptions in your energy and prevent you from healing fully.

Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

A healthy solar plexus chakra allows you to know yourself and live with confidence and strength. Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra will be able to set boundaries and be assertive without being aggressive. It allows you to know yourself, judging yourself and others fairly but not critically.

Since it plays such a fundamental role in self-confidence, an imbalance in the third chakra can cause many problems. Some common symptoms of a blockage include:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Inability to set or maintain boundaries
  • Codependency
  • Lack of self-control
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Addiction
The solar plexus chakra is also important for physical health. It is closely tied to digestive health, but a blockage can cause an issue with other systems as well. Common physical symptoms of a blocked third chakra include:
  • Ulcers
  • Poor digestion, gas, nausea
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma and other respiratory problems
  • Arthritis
  • Organ problems, especially in the liver and kidneys
  • Nerve pain and fibromyalgia
  • Difficulty gaining or losing weight

Solutions for a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

Clearing the blockage in your third chakra and allowing energy to flow freely through it will help return you to health. It is best to try to do daily healing work because falling back into old patterns can allow the blockage to form again.
Working with a Reiki practitioner or other energy healer can be a good way to start your healing journey. They will be able to help break up the blockage and can help locate other blockages or imbalances in your energy.
At home, meditation is the most effective way to break up a blockage. Everyone possesses healing energy, and you can harness it using visualization. The third chakra is associated with the color yellow and with fire, so imagine a golden healing flame just above your navel. As you breathe deeply, feel it dissolving any hurt or pain you are storing in your third chakra.
Surrounding yourself with things associated with Manipura will help as well. Wearing yellow, eating yellow foods, and wearing gold jewelry or gold and yellow gemstones can help open your third chakra. Spending time in the sun and doing yoga exercises that strengthen your core are also good for healing Manipura.
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